Ugly patio with overgrown raspberries (that the only nice thing about the yard, all the raspberries you can eat). This area is not fixed up yet. It's next on our list of things to do.

New Sod
More new sod. We flattened the top and bottom half of the yard. We put in a little hill instead of a retaining wall.
Our yard was measured wrong. We received 4,000 ft. of sod instead of 5,000 ft. It's been raining while we've waited for the new sod to show up. Marc's raking up the ground getting it ready to put down the rest of the sod.Grandpa Whitehead and Marc's dad showed up and helped us lay the rest of it down.
We had to lift the backyard gate so it didn't get stuck in the top soil and new grass. Marc laid some bricks down, under the gate, so Cinder doesn't sneak out.
Hello this is EvaLyn Whitehead Jennings I found your blog through the Featherstones...I can't believe how much your kids have grown up. If you would like you can check out our blog at kyleandevalyn.blogspot.com